Real Estate

5 cheap & easy ways to prepare your home for the rainy season.

This easy home maintenance will save you a bundle.
I'm Julie!

I'm a sales strategist turned real estate agent and home renovator.  I like my coffee hot, homes modern and cabins rustic. I'm on a mission to make renvoation easier. 

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These 5 things will give you the best ROI on your home. Simple, preventative maintenance saves you time, money and headaches. As the rainy season approaches, now is the time to prepare your home.

Water is corrosive. These 5 cheap & easy steps can help prepare your home for the rainy season.

1: Check your downspouts

Misdirected and disconnected downspouts cause a lot of basement floods.  Check yours before the rain sets in. Inexpensive parts at Home Depot can extend and redirect water away from your foundation.

These products are inexpensive and easy to install.

2: Slope soil away from your house

When it rains, its best if the natural fall line is away from your foundation. You can do a walk around to identify areas of concern. If possible, rearrange the soil in the area so gravity does the work for you.

Don’t forget to remove soil and debris that is up against your siding. This simple step will extend the useful life of your siding and prevent dry rot.

3: Keep the critters out

As the weather gets colder, critters will be looking for a warmer place to cozy up for the winter. Your home may be an easy target.

Cut back trees, shrubs & plants at least 12 to 18 inches from your home. Vegetation up against your home is how rodents, pests and insects get easy access to your siding, roof, attic and other small entry points.

I see this issue written up in countless inspection reports. Did you know roof rats can jump up to 4 feet? It’s both incredible and gross at the same time, am I right?

Cut back trees, shrubs & plants at least 12 to 18 inches from your home.

4: Clean your gutters

Debris can re-route water to unwanted places. When leaves & twigs build up in gutters, the water will find a way out. It may spill over your gutters in unwanted places or pool against your home’s fascia boards, or gutters can get heavy and sag. Cleaning gutters is cheaper and easier than replacing and repairing gutters or trim board. If you’re weary of standing on a ladder, you can hire a pro to do it for you.

Clean your gutters to prevent water re-routing to unwanted places.

5: Buy faucet covers before it freezes

When things approach freezing, hardware stores run out of hose bibs.  Have yours ready for colder weather. You’ll often see these front & center as you enter the local hardware store.

Faucet covers are cheap & help keep your pipes from freezing.

Here’s one from Ace Hardware:

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Hi, I'm Julie.
Magnolia local
 & real estate agent.

I'm obsessed with renovation, design and a well appointed hat.  I love connecting my love of photography with helping buyers find their way home. 

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Smith Cove is a small, sheltered body of water and a place in Magnolia. A cove is also an architectural arch.


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